about me

Hey, my name is Markus. I was born and raised in the city of Ulm, home of the HfG. I am studying different aspects of design at the University of Applied Sciences here in Ulm. In my freetime I like making music and taking pictures, which has already helped me in my studies a few times.

this is me

I am currently studying digital media in Ulm. I have established a foundation in two-dimensional design as well as interface design. I am very interested in efficient communication through the correct design, to make easy and intuitive user interfaces. Because I know very well, how the bad interfaces interfere between customers and businesses.

In my freetime I make electronic music, take pictures of my friends and work on other, smaller creative projects as well as play some video games. Of course I also like to spend time with my friends, however during the pandemic these meetings have largely shifted to online locations.

curriculum vitae


international design workshop online

Due to the pandemic this year's workshop takes place entirely online. Indonesian and German students focus on animations and typography, towards a shared result. We discussed everyday typography in our home countries and compare pop culture.

summer semester 2021


international design workshop

In early 2020 I took part in a workshop in Indonesia. Indonesian and German students worked together in small groups, researching cultural differences in social media video content.

february 2020


digital media study

As of october 2019 I am studying digital media at the university of applied sciences in Ulm.

since october 2019


media in computer science

I studied one semester of computer science at the university Ulm before I got accepted at the univiersity of applied sciences Ulm.

april - august 2019



The month of october 2018 I spent as an intern at ADAC Maucher Service GmbH. An all-round internship to get to know different fields of work, practical as well as office jobs.

october 2018


voluntary social year

After school I began my social year in my childhood sports club. I spent my time 50/50 in the sports-kindergarden and afternoon sports classes for children between 3 and 16 years. simultaneously I earned a trainer's certificate of class C

september 2017 - august 2018


english summer camps

After school I participated as a teamer in several english summer camps by the name of English in Motion. These take place for one week each during summer and late spring holidays.



a-level / abitur

The year of 2017 marks the end of my school era. I received my A-levels at Schubart Gymnasium Ulm, where I had spent the previous 8 years.

2009 - 2017