ITZ Plus: corporate design

For people to easily recognize a company, a branding strategy is a smart thing to consider. Corporate designs help shape the public conceiving of a company and secures trust as well as visibility in front of customers.

the project

In this project, I was in charge of the corporate design manual as well as the letter head. For the manual, I defined the corporate imagery guide. I also took part in researching merchandising products and I designed small parts for the website.
We had the privilege to create corporate design manuals for a real customer here in southern germany. This is a great opportunity to get first hand experience, which our Professor works hard for every year.
This assignment was done in groups of four. Each group started off with the customer briefing, which everyone helped to prepare. After that, the groups were challenged to schedule their tasks on their own, with regular consultation by the Professor.

the result

the logo design

communication media pt.1

communication media pt.2


The website is in this case just the prototype in Adobe XD. The real site would have only been realised, if this design was chosen.

corporate design manual


Dieses Projekt ist im Wintesemester 2020/2021 im Studiengang Digital Media im Fach Corporate Design an der Technischen Hochschule Ulm entstanden.
Projektinitiatorin, Projektleiterin und fachliche Betreuerin: Prof. Susanne P. Radtke.
Autoren und inhaltlich Verantwortliche: Felix Dedek, Marc Fischer, Mathieu Kuch, Markus Leukel.
Das Projekt ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte liegen bei dem Autor bzw. bei der Technischen Hochschule Ulm.